Bella Yongok Kim
Selected Exhibitions​
Center on Contemporary Art, 2024 CoCA Northwest Annual, Seattle, WA
Peninsula Art League, Juried Show, Harbor History Museum, Gig Harbor, WA
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, Beacon Gallery, Bainbridge Island, WA
Juror's Invitational, The Leonor R. Fuller Gallery, Merit Award Invitational Exhibition, SPSCC, Olympia, WA
'Uncommon Threads: A Fiber Arts Experience', Lynnwood Event Center, Lynnwood, WA
NWDC, Exquisite Ornament Exhibition, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
Artist Trust’s 2024 Benefit Art Auction, AXIS Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA
Sunday Kitchen "From Else, Within here: Women of tomorrow", Mixed pantry, Seattle, WA
The 14th Annual International Juried Exhibition, Gallery 110, Seattle, WA​
Bellingham National 2023 Juried Art Exhibition, Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA
NWDC Show, Gallery Mack, Seattle, WA
The INTERSTATE A national juried exhibit, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
NSC Art Gallery, North Seattle College, Seattle, WA
"Restructured" Childhood’s End Gallery, Olympia, WA
International 'Bojagi Journey 2023', The Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum, La Conner, WA
Southwest Regional Juried Art Exhibition, SPSCC, Olympia, WA
BIMA Spotlight Juried Show, Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, WA
21st Annual Juried Local Artist Exhibition, The Gallery, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA
23rd Juried Exhibition, Schack Art Center, Everett, WA
'Arts Explosion', Performing Arts & Event Center, Federal Way, WA
Collectors’ cabinet, The Gallery, Tacoma Community College, WA
Felt and Fiber, University House Wallingford, Era Living, Seattle, WA
Art on Main, Auburn, WA
Fantasy Footwear, Clarke & Clarke Art + Artifact, Mercer Island, WA
20th Annual Juried Local Art Exhibition, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA
KAAW Member’s Show, University House Wallingford, Era Living, Seattle, WA
Itty Bitty Show, Gallery Row, Gig Harbor, WA
REFASHION, Bainbridge Arts &Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
Experimental Exploration, Columbia city gallery, Seattle, WA
Woolworth window art installation in downtown Tacoma, Spaceworks Tacoma, WA
Pacific Northwest Landscape, The Gallery, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA​
Fresh Talent, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
Interdependence, Kirkland Art Center, Kirkland, WA
22nd Juried Show, Schack Art Center’s Everett, WA
Shifting Tides, ColumbiaCity Gallery, Seattle, WA
Group Exhibitions​​
​2024 KAAW Member’s Exhibition, Lynnwood Event Center, WA
KAAW Special Exhibition, Yuan Ru Gallery, Bellevue,
2023 KAAW Member's Exhibition, Schack Art Center, Everett, WA
2022 KAAW Member's Exhibition, Tacoma Community College Gallery, Tacoma, WA
2021-2009 KAAW Member's Exhibitions,
2012-11 ‘RAGS’ Juried Wearable Art Show, Tacoma, WA
2012-10 Gallery 3 member Exhibition, Puyallup, WA
2010 KAAW Member's Exhibition, Mercer view Gallery, Mercer Island, WA
2010 Featured Artist, BKB & Company, Tacoma, WA
2007 Artist Review Today showcase at Galleria, Cleveland, OH
1995 Exhibition Celebrating The 50th Anniversary of Art and Design, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
1992, 1996 Seoul Fiber Art Festival, Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
1990 The 30th Ewha Alumni of Fine Arts Exhibition, Museum of Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
1991-1997 Korea Crafts Council Exhibitions, Seoul, Korea
1986-2000 Cheyeom Fiber Artist Group Annual Exhibitions, Seoul, Korea
Solo Exhibition​​
2023 Tacoma Community College, Gig Harbor, WA
2024 Juror’s top pick Award, Center of Contemporary Art, Seattle, WA
Artistic Achievement Award of 2024, Korean American Coalition, Seattle, WA
Best of Show Award of Peninsula Art League 22nd Juried Show, Harbor History Museum, Gig harbor, WA
2023 Artist Trust GAP Award 2023, Seattle, WA
Merit Award, Southwest Regional Juried Art Exhibition, SPSCC, Olympia, WA
Juror’s Choice Award, 21st Annual Juried Local Artist Exhibition, The Gallery TCC, Tacoma, WA
2022 Honorable mention, 20th Annual Juried Local Art Exhibition, TCC, Tacoma, WA
2021 People’s Choice & Honorable mention, Fresh Talent, Bainbridge Arts & Crafts, Bainbridge Island, WA
Honorable mention, 22nd Juried Show, Schack Art Center, Everett, WA
2011 17th ‘RAGS’ Juried Wearable Art Show- Gallery division, Tacoma, WA
2010 2nd Award ‘Korean Art Show’, Pierce College, Lakewood, WA
1990 National Special Art Award: The Korean Craft and Art Competition, Seoul, Korea
1988 National Art Award: The Korean Craft and Art Competition, Seoul, Korea
​2023 A project of Korean collection at the Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture, Seattle, WA
2011, 2021-2022 President of KAAW (Korean American Artist Association of WA)
2002-2005 Painter, McHugh’s Restorations, Richmond, VA
1994-1998 Instructor, Myungji Junior College, Seoul, Korea
1995 Instructor, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea
1994 Instructor, Kunsan University, Kunsan, Korea
1986-1987 Teaching Assistant, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
​1986-1988 M.F.A Fiber Art, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
1982-1986 B.F.A. Design & Fabric dyeing, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
​KAAW (Korean American Artist Association of WA)
NWDC (Northwest Designer Craftartists)
BAC (Bainbridge Arts & Crafts)
ArtsWA Public Artist Roster 2023-2025